日本語 | English

Open hours

today tomorrow
Ocha  10:00-18:30
Konodai  Closed






12/28-1/5 Library will be closed during the following period

| by 図書館管理者

Notice of Ochanomizu & Konodailibrary service during the year-end/new year period


Ochanomizu Library & KonodaiLibrary will be closed during the following period

2024/12/28(Sat.) - 2025/1/5 (Sun.)

The service in 2025, will start from2025/1/6 (Mon.)

Inter-Library Loan

 -Please be aware that copies/books ofapplications made after 12/13(Fri.),may not arrive within this year.               

 -Some of the libraries have application deadline date of service for this year.

 Please be aware that copies/books from those libraries may also notarrive within this year.

-To Faculty staff (University expense Copied material and borrowed book that arrived in January-March willbe deducted from the budget for the next school year.


Contact Information:

Ochanomizu Library Group

E-mail: info-serve.lib@ml.tmd.ac.jp

Konodai Library Group

E-mail: branch.lib@ml.tmd.ac.jp 


13:00 | Notice

11/3、12/8 Notice of temporary closure due to power outage

| by 図書館管理者
11/3、12/8 Notice of temporary closure due to power outage

Ochanomizu Library will be closed forthe power outage of M&D tower as below.

      Nov. 3 (Sun.) 10:00 - 12:00

      Nov. 8 (Sun.) 10:00 - 12:00
    *Scheduled to open at 12:00

Ochanomizu Library's web service (OPAC,Mylibrary, etc.)  will be unavailable asbelow.

      Oct. 27 (Sun.) all daySuspension of the LAN)

      Nov.  3 (Sun.) 08:00 - 12:00

      Dec.  8 (Sun.) 08:00 - 12:00


12:00 | News

10/15-31 Notice of temporary library closure

| by 図書館管理者

 Notice of temporary Ochanomizu library closure due to ceiling construction
Due to ceiling construction in the reading room ofthe Ochanomizu Library on the Yushima Campus, Ochanomizu Library will betemporarily closed on the following dates.

Some services will be available duringthe closure, but you will not be able to enter the reading room.

[Closed (Ochanomizu Library)]

   2024/10/15Tue.) ~ 2024/10/31Thu.)

[Service location]

Temporary counter inside the libraryoffice door (M&D Tower 3F)

[Service hours]

     Weekdays 10:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

*If you wish to come outside of theabove times, please contact us by email in advance.

[Available services]

- Borrowing of some materials (SeeBooklist)

- Returning (can be returned to bookpost outside service hours)

- Receiving ILL-arrived materials

- New user registration/renewal forOchanomizu Library

- Quick reference

- Receiving books and journals purchasedby the lab [List of books available for borrow


* Materials from the Automated Storageand Retrieval System (back issues of journal, etc.) cannot be retrieved.

* Electronic resources are available asusual.

* Self-study is not possible at theservice location.

* Only Ochanomizu Library will betemporarily closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience, andthank you for your understanding.


Contact: Ochanomizu Library Group

Email: info-serve.lib@ml.tmd.ac.jp

13:30 | Temporary closure

Using the Tokyo Institute of Technology Library [Mutual Use]

| by 図書館管理者
Using the Tokyo Institute of Technology Library [Mutual Use]
The library has a mutual use agreement with the Tokyo Institute of Technology library. It can be used without a reservation or a letter of introduction.
Please bring your own "IC student ID" or "IC staff ID" and check the terms of use on the website before visiting.
*Cannot be used with an anonymous student ID card, staff ID card, TMDU card, or barcode library user ID card.

●Tokyo Institute of Technology Library●

[How to enter]
Present your student/staff ID card at the counter and fill out the necessary information on the form.
*Proceed at the counter on the day of your visit (no prior application required)
*Lend an admission card for the day only

[Available time]
Available anytime during opening hours (even at night and on holidays)

*Please check opening hours before visiting
[Calendar] https://www.libra.titech.ac.jp/calendar

[Available services]
• Copies (10 yen for monochrome / 50 yen for color)
• Browsing and printing of electronic materials (until 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, monochrome 40 yen/color 80 yen)

[Unavailable services]
• (Ookayama) 2nd and 3rd floor study building
• (Suzukakedai) 2nd floor seminar room, 3rd floor individual study area
• Borrowing/returning books
  * Borrowing/returning will be done at ILL through your university library

[Other available libraries]

<<Four Universities Union>>

・Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library

・Hitotsubashi University Library

<<Bunkyo Medical Library Consortium>>

・The University of Tokyo Medical Library

[Note] Juntendo University Academic Media Center, Nippon Medical School Central Library, Bunkyo Gakuin University Hongo Library
Please note that it is not currently available

<<Meiji University>>

Not currently available

* It is scheduled to be available from May 8, but please see the following page

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Regarding mutual use

14:00 | News

8/16-17 Temporary library closure due toapproaching Typhoon No. 7

| by 図書館管理者

Temporary library closure due toapproaching Typhoon No. 7


Due to the approach of Typhoon No. 7,the library (Yushima Main Library) will be temporarily closed all day on August16th and the morning of the 17th.

We apologize for any inconvenience thismay cause.

*Please note that the library isscheduled to open from 12:00 on August 17th, but opening hours may changedepending on the transportation situation.

18:00 | Important | main

8/28-29 Notice of Suspension of Automated Storage and Retrieval System

| by 図書館管理者

Notice of Suspension of AutomatedStorage and Retrieval System


Automated Storage and Retrieval Systemwill be stopped on the following schedule.


 Aug. 28 (Wed.)  8:30 18:00

  Aug. 29 (Thu.)   8:30 18:00


During maintenance, the materials storedin the archive can't be used, so please take out the necessary materialsearlier.

We apologize any inconvenience causedand thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

10:00 | Maintenance

8/9-13 Notice of Library Closure

| by 図書館管理者
8/9-13 Notice of Library Closure
The library will be closed during thefollowing period due to soaring energy prices.
ILL is not available while the libraryis closed.
We apologize for any inconvenience thismay cause to library users and thank you for your understanding.

 Main Library: August 9(Fri.) - 13(Tue.) 
 Kounodai branch Library: August 9(Fri..) -13(Tue.)

* You can use the book post, Please notethat collection will be done on the first day after the closed days.

09:40 | Important

6/27、7/4 Inspections of fire protection facilitie

| by 図書館管理者
6/27、7/4 Inspections of fire protection facilitie
TMDU Library will have  inspections of fire protection facilities as below.
The automated storage and retrieval system will be unavailable.
2024/6/27、7/4   8:30-11:00

The library fire shutters may come down temporarily.
2024/7/4  9:00-10:00

During the inspection, a test sound will be played from the broadcasting equipment, but this is only part of the inspection. 

10:48 | News

3/26-27 Notice of Suspension of Automated Storage and Retrieval System

| by 図書館管理者
Notice of Suspension of Automated Storage and Retrieval System
Automated Storage and Retrieval System will be stopped during following date for the maintenance.

 March 26th (Tue.) 8:30-18:00
 March 27th (Wed.) 8:30-18:00

During suspension, you will not be able to retrieve or view the materials (bound journal) in the automatic archives.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

11:30 | Maintenance

3/13 Notice of extension of temporary library closure due to water leak

| by 図書館管理者

Notice of extension of temporary libraryclosure due to water leak


Due to a water leak in the libraryreading room, the library will be temporarily closed as follows.


 Until Wednesday, March 13th


Please note that the opening hours afterMarch 14th (Thu.) may change depending on the situation.

We apologize for any inconvenience thismay cause and appreciate your understanding.


*During the library's temporary closure,only [returning loaned materials], [receiving ILL arrived materials], and[receiving purchased books] will be available at the counter from 8:30 to17:00.

Books cannot be borrowed

To return books outside of the abovehours, please return them to the book post in front of the library on the 1stfloor of M&D Tower.

10:20 | Important