"Kaitai Shinsho (New Book of Anatomy)" is the first professional anatomical book in Japan. It was translated "OntleedkundigeTafelen" and some anatomy books into Japanese by SUGITA Genpaku, MAENO Ryotaku, and so on. It was published in 1774.
"OntleedkundigeTafelen" is an anatomy book which was written by Johann Adam Kulmus in 1722, and translated into Dutch by Gerard Dicten in 1734. It was called by "Tafeleanatomia" in Japan and one of the original texts of "KaitaiShinsyo".
"Exercitatioanatomica de motucordis et sanguinis in animalibus" is a physiological book which was written by William Harvey, and translated into English in 1653.
"De HumaniCorporisfabrica" is an anatomical book which was written by Andreas VESALIUS in 1543.